“Hold My Bag?”
Svein Newman remembers the first time he traveled internationally after 9/11.
Born in Norway, Svein Newman was kicked out of that country as a child for being bad at skiing and has roamed around Montana ever since. He grew up on family farmland in south-central Montana, went to college here at UM, and after a six and a half year stint in Billings is once again a Missoulian. When he’s not busy being afraid of speaking on a stage, Svein works for a conservation and family agriculture non-profit called Northern Plains Resource Council. He also volunteers with Soft Landing Missoula, serves on the board of the Montana Human Rights Network, and enjoys divey cowboy bars, day hikes, and the board game Settlers of Catan.
This episode of Tell Us Something was recorded in front of a live audience on June 20, 2017 at The Wilma in Missoula, MT. 9 storytellers shared their story. The theme was “On the Road”. This week’s podcast comes to us from Svein Newman. He calls his story “Hold My Bag?”.