“On a Mission at Mr. Donut”
Susan Maruca finishes her night shift at Mr. Donut in Buccannan, West Virginia to find Mr. Sly Eyes asleep in the front seat of her car. She knows that he is the best candidate for the job. Listen to find out what the job is and if he got it done.
Susan Maruca is a scientist, software developer, educator, ceramic artist, curious skeptic, and foodie. She has lived in Montana for 7 years and is still awed by the scale and heart of this place. When not working for Simbio making interactive simulations for teaching biology, she is either hiking, enjoying dinner with friends, or building functional ceramic objects evocative of things occurring naturally in the world.
This edition of Tell Us Something was recorded on September 11, 2015 at the Dennison Theater at the University of Montana in Missoula, MT. This episode features the Susan Maruca and is titled “On a Mission at Mr. Donut”. Thank you for listening.