Tell Us Something is a labor of love and could really use your support.
Your donations can help Tell Us Something become sustainable.
Tell Us Something brings real people’s real stories to life. Everyday people like you and me have a chance to be heard because of Tell Us Something. Since 2011, Tell Us Something has hosted 4-9 storytelling events in Missoula, MT per year to audiences ranging from 250 to 1,200 people.
Storytellers are paid. Poster artists are paid. ASL interpreters are paid.
Sponsorship dollars help and ticket prices are kept affordable so that price is not a barrier to entry.
Because of generous donors like you, we were able, in 2023, to replace an aging computer and pay the balance on our COVID loan. Our reserves are depleted and we need your help in rebuilding them.
Please, donate to help us out and keep the project going.
Thank you so much!
Tell Us Something is a 501(c)3. EIN: 38-4203249
DONATE TODAY!You can also mail a check to:
Tell Us Something
625 N 4th St. W.
Missoula, MT. 59802
Thank you for your support!