Event Workshop A safe place to work out the kinks
Tell Us Something provides a workshop where you can become comfortable with your story, with the other storytellers, and form a bond with each other.
It is a safe place to work out the kinks, learn what works and what doesn’t, and it is guided by you — the storytellers! Note that the workshop is REQUIRED.
At the workshop, storytellers tell their story on a timer until they are finished. The story coach marks time and announces how long the story was. From there, the storytellers give one another feedback: what worked? What didn’t? Can we hear a little bit more about this? When you talked about that, it was distracting to the main story, and maybe can be cut.
Once the storytellers have finished giving each other feedback, the story coach adds anything he thinks the storytellers might not have mentioned. He also gives advice about how to deal with things like people interrupting the story, how close to stand to the mic, and explains how the night of the event will unfold. Workshops last about 3 hours and are held pot-luck style at the story coach’s home.