March Newsletter – The First Time Live Event at The Dennison
Are you ready?
The next Tell Us Something event is March 30.
Do you have your tickets?
8 storytellers. 8 first times.
You know how we say “all ages welcome”? Yes. It’s true.
It’s also true when we say that “Tell Us Something has adult themes and storytellers use adult language”.
If Tell Us Something adhered to MPA guidelines,
this experience would be rated PG-13.
Become a Story Steward
A membership at the Stewardship level grants you a guaranteed pair of tickets to every event in 2023 (8 tickets in total).
Stewardship Membership is affordable and available for $250. If you’ve already purchased your ticket for the March 30 event, you will receive a full refund for that purchase when you become a Stewardship Member,
I am a steward! [click or tap!]
Founding Member
Help us as we solidify sustainability
Tell Us Something has been a proven important cultural event in Missoula since 2011. We only recently received our 501(c)3 status, though, and we are working to become sustainable.
We are defining sustainability as having enough revenue to maintain two months’ expenses in the bank while meeting all of our financial obligations.
I want to help sustain this incredible intuition! [click or tap!]
Where are the podcasts?
Well. Our 10-year-old computer has been slowly letting us know that it wants to retire. It stepped up its crashing game recently and it seems every time we try editing audio or video, it crashes. We have a new machine on the way and podcast episodes will resume soon.
Missoula Gives is right around the corner. Your donations will help pay for this new machine.
If you’re interested in helping with peer-to-peer fundraising, please let us know.
Looking forward to seeing you at The Dennison on March 30 for “The First Time” stories!
Ticket sales are picking up and it is likely that this event will sell out. NOW is the time to get your tickets!