The Stories of Summer

Summer is coming to a close here in Montana, and we have a lot of reasons to be grateful.

After the late winter and early spring lockdown during the pandemic, we’ve had the opportunity to get outside, explore our mountains, rivers, forests, and soak up the sunshine. Wildfire season has been mercifully mild in terms of smoke density. We are busy with late summer harvests making pasta sauce, green salsa from our abundant tomatillo plants, and thinking about all of the stories we have accumulated over the past 4-5 months.

Even without live in-person events, this has been one of the busiest years I can remember at Tell Us Something with the launch of our online workshop service, a new podcast series, and preparing for online streaming live storytelling in the fall.




Wait, did I say there is another live streaming event planned? I sure did!

I really hope that you can join us for an incredible evening packed with 5 storytellers. American Sign Language will be provided by certified ASL interpreters, and I am really looking forward to it. We’ll have stories about great expectations, tattoos, the healing power of time, lost and found, and a sister’s love for her brother. It’s going to be a fun night with storytellers joining us from all over the state of Montana.

Please CLICK HERE get your tickets now and plan to hang out with us on September 16!

Meet the Storytellers of Tell Us Something2020 podcast

The new podcast series has been very rewarding and a lot of work. Some storytellers prefer to meet in person for a socially distant interview. They have taught me a lot about the importance of micing everyone who will be talking, and, in post-production, I have had to learn a lot about synchronizing multiple vocal tracks. Some interviews last 20 minutes or so, while others have lasted almost 2 hours. I spend between 5-15 hours producing one episode for you to listen to and the end result is pretty powerful. I’m a little behind on the latest episode because there is so much to unpack. You can expect that to drop next week. If you haven’t had the chance to listen, please check it out or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.



If you can’t make it to the show in September and you want to support Tell Us Something, you can always send us a one-time donation via:, via Venmo: @tellussomething or donate here.



Stay safe & keep sharing your stories!
I’ll see you on September 16!

Marc Moss
Executive Director
Tell Us Something

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