Tell Us Something contains adult themes and adult language
Everyone has a story. Regardless of age, race, religion, sexual identity or orientation, we all have stories to share. This is what makes us human. Sometimes these stories are messy. Sometimes these stories are told with rough language. Sometimes these stories have difficult themes. They are all worth telling. They are all worth hearing.
Parents have approached me before and asked if it’s okay to bring their children to Tell Us Something. My answer is always the same: Tell Us Something contains adult themes and adult language. I am not a parent and I do not presume how to tell people how they should parent their children. With the knowledge that there are adult themes and adult language parents must make their own decisions about bringing their children to Tell Us Something events.
Children have been seen at Tell Us Something events in the past. Children have in fact told stories at Tell Us Something amongst the lineup of adults. Their parents made the choice to bring their children and that’s okay.
Because the ultimate goal of Tell Us Something is to allow people to tell their stories honestly and have those stories be heard, I cannot ask storytellers to dumb down their stories or censor themselves. Tell Us Something strives for transparency and honesty and in that spirit I wanted to be explicit in sharing this truth about Tell Us Something.
Thank you to those who share their stories. Thank you to those who listen. See you December 8th at The Wilma.