
I spoke with Karla Theilen in late June from her temporary home in Tuba City, AZ on her day off from taking care of COVID patients in the Navajo Nation. After our interview, stick around to hear her story “Guardian Angel Obstacle Course”.
In this week’s podcast you’ll learn about the world of polyamory and how difficult it can be to live in that world, you’ll help a man on a motorcycle with a broken ankle, back to safety, and you’ll re-evaluate your relationship with risk, after a direct protest action goes terribly wrong. Finally, you’ll learn how to become a horse farrier. Our podcast today was recorded in front of a live audience on June 13, 2018 at The Wilma in Missoula, MT. 8 storytellers shared their true personal story on the theme “Risk”.
“March fourth” is a warning as she leaves, travelling from Baja, Mexico to Los Ceretos, through La Paz to travel to San Diego with a straggler from Germany named Katia. Katia does not like Karla’s dogs, but they needed each other as road trip companions. They pull into Jesus Maria as they run out of gasoline, spending too much money on gasoline. Making their way onward, they make a human connection that culminates in an incident at the Mexican border.